Reality like water will take the shape of its container. Regardless of whether that container takes on the form of good or evil. When water resides in a cup of evil we must walk above that water, or be consumed by it. It is not evil that I fear, I fear failing to control the […]

My family is a spiritual fleet of ships that will survive the darkness of any night that reflects the essence of every man and woman I had the honor of serving with or who has worn a uniform. Just as they have stood with me through every watch I will stand with them until the […]

Committing our life to what we believe and those we love in an uncertain world will produce what is already certain in our soul. If we choose to serve only ourselves in this life, we are dead already. I died in a VA Hospital. I am here to serve Christ, to love, help, and protect […]

If you expose Corporate America, you are a hero in the eyes of the government and its people. If you expose that government, you are a traitor. From a perspective of ethics, these acts are the same. They are a public release of sensitive documents to expose alleged unethical acts by an entity attempting to […]

I retired from the battlefield because I know it’s what is best for those I care about. I know it is what is spiritually necessary to strive toward forgiveness of those that concealed my children from me. As those that have attempted to conceal the truth continue to do so, they will make the war […]

The truth will arrive in God’s time. The most important thing in life is to have the humility to know that no matter how painful life is we are not the instrument of justice. David was the first great King of Israel, but Solomon built the Temple that housed truth on Earth.Everything is as God […]