The light of Truth is coming to restore the persecuted, the captive, and the crucified. We only need the courage and strength to stand this watch until his arrival. This work does not represent the intelligence or achievement of any one individual. It represents the glory of God as manifested by his breath upon clay […]
The Form of the Patriot
Providing evidence that you have the strength to physically keep and bear arms while defending yourself is not enough to form a patriot. The form of a patriot is displayed by those who have the courage to put their lives on the line in accordance with our laws while defending the rights of others.
The Form of Betrayal
The state provides evidence of its true and proper form when the honorable that have served it execute orders and adhere to laws while producing a sum that reveals the truth the state lacks the courage to face. During these times, the honorable must hold onto and adhere to the spirit of the country they […]
The Form of the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary
Providing evidence that you have the strength to physically keep and bear arms while defending yourself is not enough to form a patriot. The form of a patriot is displayed by someone who has the courage to put their on the line in accordance with our laws while defending the rights of others.
The Form of the Constitutional Maverick
An independent force fueled by theological beliefs, philosophical ethics, and inner pain that can only exist while pushing the envelope and raising the bar in accordance with our laws. A force that cannot rest and is only satisfied once the people have been provided a view of the truth and what is possible when we […]
The Form of Independent Steaming
To serve, inspire, and lead many in the light, you must demonstrate honor, courage, and commitment to survive and evolve while tested alone in the darkness of night. 4 years ago – “I am taking my time with this. I have wrote around 7 pages of lyrics since October of last year for this song. […]
Crossing the Sea of Galilee
The Voyage to Recovery When a person is lost in a dark place during the perfect storm, some begin compulsively doing things based on how they feel because their body desperately is seeking dopamine (natural legal high). What most fail to realize is that these compulsive behaviors (i.e., eating, sex, illegal drug use, etc.) are […]
The Fragility of Tyranny’s Darkness
The truth regarding the price of freedom, liberty, and equal rights for all of God’s children is revealed by the light of a United States Navy Tomahawk missile launch that halts the deceit of the blinding darkness of night at sea. I did not win a popularity contest in the City of Newton, IA, or […]
Progressive Executional Dynamics of Operational Risk Management
For progressive operational dynamics to succeed, success must consistently stack higher and faster than the cost of the risk produced during the execution of mission operations. One must have the courage to manifest a paradigm that leaves the adversary obsolete during every tactical incursion to produce a reality where they are dismantled after the war. […]
The Evolution of Disability to Capability
A disability does not impact the capabilities of the driven. It simply manifests the form of the canvas where the painting is displayed.