We all have imperfections that perpetuate our mistakes in life, some consistent with what we are, others rooted in who we are. When you love someone, none of that matters. You stand the watch next to them, whether physically or spiritually, and help them as they move forward on their journey just as they have […]

I know I will spend the rest of my life at sea,because there are no longer places that I want to be. I have seen the end of the Age of Exploration.Because you are the only woman that completed my spiritual restoration. At every sunrise, I wait to see what life has in store,but I […]

In this life, it does not matter how much adversity we endure. There are things we will never stop believing in, and there are people we will never stop loving. Everything that drives me, my passion, my faith, and my hope is because I will never stop loving the woman that hurt me the most […]

If words are a collection of letters telling a tale, musical notes are a collection of emotions communicating a feeling. The journey is finding each letter and note that communicates what is in our hearts as we seek to be heard, as a sailor in a ship that has fallen below the water searches for […]

There is nothing more sacred than a man who is committed to protecting the woman he loves, and a woman committed to satisfying the beast within him. As his glowing green eyes search the wilderness for her moonlit thighs.She prays to Mani to deliver a protector who can satisfy her deep inside. As she kneels […]